Short sketch of where I've been
As mentioned on the main page, this text is
mainly written to allow people to find me by some information they
might remember.
I was born in Geneve in Switzerland, where I spent the first
years of my life. Sometime later, my family and I moved to Bonn, where
I went to elementary school at the
Katholische Grundschule Mondorf. The next 3 years I spent in Davis,
California, with an intercalated 1/2 year stay at Long Island in New
York. Here I went to grades 5 and 6 of elementary school and also
absolved the first year at Oliver Wendell Holmes
Junior High School. After that, we moved back to Bonn, where I
school at the Helmholtz
Gymnasium. Since then, I have been studying at
Bonn University.
The names of my parents are Werner Nahm and Ingeborg Nahm (maiden name
Ingeborg Walker).
You can see a picture of me here.
Last modified: 12-Jul-2004