For the current version of this package, updated documentation and further material, please see the code homepage.
The Adaptive Sparse Integration Project provides a framework and algorithms for a dimension-adaptive version of sparse grid integration. The adaptive sparse integration code is embedded in a general integration framework. This also includes Monte-Carlo and Quasi-Monte-Carlo integration. However, the code for these is rudimentary, and they are not the focus of development.
There are two basic possibilities for using the code in this project. You may use the code either only as an end-user to calculate integrals, and not care exactly how the integration works. That is, you use the supplied code as a black-box for integration. This will be the preferred approach for most users. It is for them that the user section of this manuscript is written.
If you wish to modify the code, or even participate in its development, please also read the developer section, which deals with the class hierarchy, and describes the implementation of the code.
The mathematics and theoretical background for the algorithm are described in my diploma thesis. The algorithm can simply be used as a black box without this background, but is highly recommend for a developer that plans to extend this project.
BugsThe estimation of the error of the integral value from the correct value
is not yet satisfactory. It works well with most functions, but may
underestimate the error for irregular, especially singular functions. This is
can be seen with the Genz Corner Peak test function. This is true of both the
and the EstimateController
although the latter suffers less from it.
You need the Java Development Kit of at least version 1.6 (marketed as version 6 by Sun) to run the code.
To check whether the JDK is installed properly:
This document is divided into the following sections:
import de.torstennahm.integrate.*; import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.*; import de.torstennahm.math.*; public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { Integratorintegrator = new DefaultSparseIntegrator(); Function function = new Circle(); try { IntegrationResult result = integrator.integrateAbsTol(function, 1e-6); System.out.println(result.value()); } catch (IntegrationFailedException e) { System.out.println("Integration failed:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } class Circle extends Function { public int dimension() { return 1; } @Override public double sEvaluate(double[] x) { checkArgument(x); return 4 * Math.sqrt(1 - x[0] * x[0]); } @Override public int inputDimension() { return 1; } }
In case you are new to Java, here is an ultra-quick tutorial that may or
may not work. In any case, it assumes that you have Java installed (see
requirements above).
. Note that the following
commands will need to be changed slightly if the name differs. Save the
code above into a file called ""
in this
directory.javac -classpath
", where download is
the JAR file. This will produce the class file
.java -classpath
de.torstennahm.integrate-2.0.jar;. Exampl
e". Note the
" in the classpath. It makes the Java interpreter find
your newly compiled class "Example.class"
. On some platforms
(e.g. Unix), you may need to use ":.
" instead of
". Please check the options for the java
command. You should now see the result 3.141592...
displayed.If this doesn't work, there is something wrong with the setup of your Java environment. Correcting this is beyond the scope of this document. Please see for information on installation and troubleshooting.
You can see in the source that the program consists of two parts. One is
concerned with initializing the integrator (class
), the other defines the function that
is to be integrated (class Circle
). The function defined is
f(x)=4*sqrt(1-x^2). It is
intergrated on the interval [0,1],
yielding π as the integral value.
This example may seem to be quite a bit of code for just defining this
simple function and calling the integrator. This complexity arises for two
reasons. The first is that Java is object-orientated. While this makes for
easy maintainance of code, it goes along with overhead to separate different
code parts neatly from each other. The second is that the code has many
safety checks. checkArgument(x)
in the method
, for example, makes sure that the vector passed as
function argument actually has the same dimension as the function. And the
part of the code revolving around the IntegrationFailedException
makes sure unforeseen errors are reported. In standard C programming style,
both of these cases might go unchecked, and cause difficult to locate errors
or even wrong results.
Of course, this was a very simple example of a one-dimensional function. Now let use try something more interesting. In the code above, add the lines:
class Product extends Function { @Override public double sEvaluate(double[] x) { checkArgument(x); double p = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { p *= x[i]; } return p; } @Override public int inputDimension() { return 8; } }Now replace the line
Function function = new Circle();by
Function function = new Product();and recompile and run the program. This yields the result
, which is equal to 1/256. Indeed, we have integrated the
8-dimensional function x_1*x_2*...*x_8 on the unit cube, giving
us the result (1/2)^8.
As you can see, we specify the dimension in the method
of a Function
. In evaluate, we
calculate the value of the function at the specified vector x
The call to checkArgument(x)
ensures that the dimension of the
vector x
is the same as the dimension of the function, otherwise
an error will be generated. Here we see one advantage of object-oriented
programming. Since the dimension of the function is specified in the function
itself, we do not need to tell the integrator about it. We simply call
integrator.integrateAbsTol(function, tol)
, without needing to
supply the dimension, and the intergrator obtains the dimension from the
function itself. By default, the integrator will always integrate with the
Lesbegue measure on the multi-dimensional unit cube.
You are now ready to test the integrator on your own functions.
to do our integration. This integrates until the
absolute tolerance of the integral value (that is, its estimated difference
from the real integral value) is judged to be less than the specified
tolerance. In addtition to integrating to an absolute tolerance, there are
several other possibilities. Have a look at the AdaptiveSparseIntegrator
API Specification. You will notice it is also possible to integrate until a
relative tolerance is reached or until the function has been evaluated a
minimum number of times.The API specification is a reference for all the different classes used in the code. It is available here, and should serve you as a handy programming reference.
The integration process is executed by several modules that plug into this
main class:
The controller manages refinement of the index set and error
See the package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.control.
The index evaluator calculates the contributions for the indices
from the index set.
See the package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex.
The visualizer allows on-line visualization of the integration
See the package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize.
new AdaptiveSparseIntegrator()
, without supplying
any further arguments. To use different modules, you could for example use
new AdaptiveSparseIntegrator(new EvaluateController(), new
DeltaQuadratureEvaluator(new ClenshawCurtis()), new GridVisualizer())
specifying the contoller, index integrator and visuailzer in that order. Any
of these arguments may be null
, in which case the default module
at that spot is used. See the
method description.
and EstimateController
. As
regards performance, the EvaluateController
is a bit faster,
whereas the EstimateController
is a bit more robust.
The EvaluateController
implements the algorithm originally proposed in [1]. new
generates the controller. You probably don't want
to use the constructor new EvaluateController(workWeight)
. It is
there for historical reasons, since it was mentioned in [3], but it has
turned out that it yields inferior results and actually asympotically only
does standard non-adaptive sparse grind integration for
The EstimateController
can be used with the default constructor new
. In this case, it is very similar to the
. The constructor new
actually does what the new
was supposed to do, that is, to
partially include standard non-adaptive sparse grid integration. Generally,
the closer simplexQuota
is to 1
, the more the
algorithm will look like the non-adaptive form. This means more robustness
but also less adaptiveness and hence slower convergence.
To use the estimate controller with a 50-50 mix of convential and adaptive
sparse grid integration, use the following code to create your
integrator: new AdaptiveSparseIntegrator(new
EstimateController(0.5), null, null)
. The two null
arguments mean that you do want to use the default index evaluator and the
default visualizer.
and ProductIndexEvaluator
You should always use DeltaQuadratureEvaluator
should theoretically be somewhat better in
some cases (when the quadrature formula is not nested), but this has not been
borne out in practice.
The DeltaQuadratureEvaluator
work with quadrature formula generators.
(See the package
description). These generators produce a 1-dimensional quadrature formula
as a series of nodes x_i and weight
w_i, to yield a numerical integral
of f as the sum over i for w_i * f(x_i). This approach is well-known
in numerical integration theory. The quadrature formula generator supplies
these quadrature formulas for different numbers of nodes. Every quadrature
formula is constructed for a specific measures on the real numbers. In
accordance with the sparse grid approach, for functions of a dimension larger
than 1, the tensor product of the quadrature formulas is used for integrating
the function.
Well-known quadrature formulas supplied in the package include the
Clenshaw-Curtis rule, the trapezoidal rule and the Patterson (Gauss-Kronrod)
rule. All of these quadrature formulas integrate with the Lesbegue measure on
the interval [0,1].
The Gauss-Hermite formula instead uses the measure with the weight f(x)=1/sqrt(2*sigma*pi)*exp(-x^2/(2*sigma))
on the real numbers. sigma can be
specified in the constructor, using new GaussHermite(sigma)
. For
sigma=1 you get the Gaussian normal
distribution as integration measure. This is especially useful for
calculation path integrals. You should also check out the class BrownianBridge
which generates a Brownian path. If you compose
your own function with this, you can directly work in path space, and save
yourself the translation into a Brownian path.
The quadrature formula is supplied to the index evaluator, an this is in
turn given to the adaptive sparse integrator. The following code would give
you an integrator that integrates with the Gaussian normal distribution as
measure: new AdaptiveSparseIntegrator(null, new
DeltaQuadratureEvaluator(new GaussHermite(1.0)), null)
. Again, the two
arguments mean that you do want to use the default
controller and the default visualizer.
If you only need to integrate on the multi-dimensional unit cube, you can
stay with the default index evaluator, with uses the Patterson quadrature
formula, and works well in most cases. However, the Patterson formulas are
hard to compute and not available for high numbers of nodes. If you see the
error "Generator maximum level exceeded" you can use the Clenshaw-Curtis rule
instead. You do this by supplying new DeltaQuadratureEvaluator(new
as the index evaluator for the adaptive sparse grid
To use the visualizers, simply create the via their constructors and add
them to a list of the type List<Visualizer>
. This list is
then given as the last argument to an integrate
The GridVisualizer
displays the integration set. The left panel color-codes the different
indices according to their contribution. The right panel is more specific,
and will not be covered here. While the information display is intuitive, you
should always be aware that the grid visualizer displays only a
two-dimensional section thru a high-dimensional index space. Thus, you will
only be able to see all information about the index set for functions with 1
or 2 dimension. For higher dimension, you can adjust which dimensions are
displayed in the grid, but you will only see those indices that have 0 as
entry for all other dimensions.
The ResultVisualizer
shows how the difference between the integral value computed and the correct
value change over time, and also the algorithm's estimate of the error.
Obviously, this visualizer will only work if the correct value of the
integral is known (or know to a sufficient degree of accucary) and supplied
to the visualizer.
The ExtentVisualizer
shows the adaptive nature of the algorithm. It shows the maximum level of
refinement for each dimension of the function as vertical black bars. At the
top, the maximum total length (that is the sum of the levels for all
dimensions) of the index set is shown in a red horizontal bar. The more
heterogeneous the black bars are, the higher the advantage of the adaptive
algorithm is over standard non-adaptive sparse grid integration.
The MultiVisualizer
allows you to use several visualizers at once. Supply them to the multi
visualizer with the addVisualizer
method, and then pass the
multi visualizer as visualizer to the adaptive sparse integrator.
Check the "Direct Known Subclasses" of the Visualizer interface for other implementing visualizer classes.
The adaptive sparse grid integrator belongs to a larger framework of
integrators. This framework also supports standard sparse grid integration,
Monte-Carlo integration and Quasi-Monte-Carlo integration. These are all part
of the Integrator hierarchy, and due to this can be used instead adaptive
sparse grid integrator with only minimal code modification. In the first
example, change the line
Integrator integrator = new AdaptiveSparseIntegrator();to
Integrator integrator = new QMCIntegrator();Then recompile and run the program. You should approximately the same results as before, but now you are using a totally different integration method, the Quasi Monte Carlo method. See the "Direct Known Subclasses" of Integrator to find the other integrators.
“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”—Donald Knuth
I realize it is extremely unusual to offer a program to the numerical computation community that is written in Java. For a community that has been slow to embrace object-oriented programming, relying on Fortran and C, in which even C++ is a rarity, the use of an interpreted language, that is not compiled into native code, must seem something of a blasphemy. Please, let me defend myself.
I strongly believe in the statement by Donald Knuth I have cited above. The whole project of adaptive sparse grid integration is still in its early stages. Rather than aiming to produce the fastest possible code, I designed the project for a high degree of flexibility and robustness. High flexibility can only be achieved in an object-oriented language, which makes it possible to divide the program different self-contained modules. The issue of robustness led me to use Java, since it has many mechanisms of self-checking and validation during runtime. Also, since this program subscribes strongly to the object-oriented approach, the automatic garbage collection comes in very handy. Both are features which are not offered by C++.
Indeed, I have saved myself from countless hours of unproductive debugging. I would guess the total time of development I have spent with debugging to be somewhere between 5% and 10%. This time bought at the expense of spending a lot of time on designing class hierarchies and refactoring the code. Still, I think that altogether I would not have written the code faster if I had used C, but the result would be far less readable and manageable.
It is certainly planned to also implement adaptive sparse grid integration as soon as the algorithm has a reached a stable form. But for the momentary, experimental phase, I felt that Java is the best solution.
It is also important to note that Java is by far not as slow as it is perceived. It has long left its slow interpreter-only times behind. It now includes a sophisticated just-in-time compiler, so the code is in effect compiled. Certainly, just in time complilation will never be quite as good as pre-compilation. But still, the differences are not big. When I compared the integration of a high-dimensional function for an early C implementation of the algorithm to the Java implementation, the Java implementation was only about 10% slower. This is due to the fact the the lion's share of the running time is spent evaluating the integrand function anyway. This is usually a pure mathematical algorithm, which the Java just in time compiler handles about as well as a C compiler.
If you are looking for a bit of extra performance, you should start Java
with the option -server
. This will make Java use a slower, but
more efficient just in time compiler. For large integrations, this will
increase performance by maybe 10%. If the integral is very large, the set of
indices to manage will become huge, and Java may run out of memory. You will
then need to increase the heap space allocated to Java. Please consult the
help for the Java interpreter.
de.torstennahm.distribution de.torstennahm.integrate de.torstennahm.integrate.error de.torstennahm.integrate.quadratureformula de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.index de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata de.torstennahm.math de.torstennahm.series de.torstennahm.statistics de.torstennahm.util